Ever you felt absorbed in a beautifulness of an outlook or masterpiece and don’t feel time passes? This is how exactly I feel while working with data.

I, as a data scientist, have a task to find different data sources in the system, put them together, and share their mysterious facts inward them with you.

When I was a software engineer in the past, I used to enjoy walking through the software and data design world always, but, after a bit, I felt I don’t want to retire while dealing with data until the end of my life.

With top-ranking titles such as preeminent Masters Entrance Exam, inventor, and ranking in international RoboCup championships in Iran, China, Austria, and Singapore, I always enjoyed challenges and I believe they are necessary to make orientations to the life path.

I’d been known for patience among my teammates, but when I became the father of my darling twins, I turned into a man with more patience, and more kindness. I spend my free time going to the gym, watching movies, and solving puzzles because it makes me more productive in the work environment.

  • Date of birth
    March 22th 1984
  • Languages
    English, Persian
  • Hobbies
    Cinema, Puzzles, Tennis
  • Website
Hire MeDownload Resume


Web Design

Ane nulla eram lorem. Summis quo sed legam probant, ab cillum dolor nulla doctrina. Iis dolore officia. Ita ita varias quibusdam, hic offendit.


Voluptate illum dolor ita ipsum, quid deserunt singulis, labore admodu itamultos malis ea nam nam tamen foreame. Vidisse quid.


Legam e officia ita nae nam varias, admodum ea illum officia, nisi pariatur id doloreirure, est proident se probant, et lorem appellat possumus.


Commodo dolor esse in magna, a a multos senserit nam si aliqua iis multos, appellat elit senserit litteris ubi ne eram voluptate commodo si al.



Data Scientist - NPS Group, Tehran, Iran

2018 to present

Nescius malis eram si malis, elit de officia, quibusdam summis pariatur appellat se litteris ad legam, irure ubi offendit do te irure nescius comprehenderit, mandaremus eram ullamco e eu esse malis in officia. Quae vidisse expetendis se quem litteris ubi despica.

Data Analyst - NPS Group, Tehran, Iran


Nescius malis eram si malis, elit de officia, quibusdam summis pariatur appellat se litteris ad legam, irure ubi offendit do te irure nescius comprehenderit, mandaremus eram ullamco e eu esse malis in officia. Quae vidisse expetendis se quem litteris ubi despica.

Software Engineer - POS Ware Systems, Tehran, Iran


  • Software design and development of automation system software and sale device.
  • Experimental work on caller-id software and hardware design and development.
  • Socket programming for automation systems.


Degrees & Certificates

  • All
  • Data Science
  • RoboCup
  • DataCamp Certificates
    DataCamp Certificates
  • RoboCup Certificates
    RoboCup Certificates
  • Other Data Science Certificates
    Other Data Science Certificates


  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Address
    No.11, Second Floor, Amjad Complex, Jomhori St. , Tehran, Iran
  • Office

Quibusdam noster aut laborum despicationes. Malis appellat o enim tamen. O amet quibusdam. Magna occaecat ex coniunctione, quis in mentitum, multos excepteur offendit, id a dolore illum.